Diplomatic Communications in Practice

Online Course

Diplomatic Communications in Practice Course

Starts 15th April 2024

Expertly developed and instructed by some of the world's leading figures in the field, this course provides participants with an interactive platform for learning and sharing of expertise and experiences. The course aligns with the latest trends in diplomatic training and aims to train the next generation of diplomatic leaders to excel in the 21st century diplomatic environment.

The course is delivered online and goes beyond conceptual understanding of diplomatic communications to teach participants how to develop and implement communications strategies that have a tangible impact on achieving their objectives.

The course is a combination of conceptual learning and hands-on experience, with the majority of the training program (75%) focused on learning through application exercises, case studies, presentations, scenario settings, and campaign management. These practical exercises are designed to simulate real-life environments, allowing participants to practice and deliver in settings similar to those they will encounter in their professional lives.

The course is suitable for both public diplomacy staff and policy officials and the practical component and template can be adapted to accommodate the requirements for different types of diplomatic communications.

The course places a strong emphasis on understanding the audience as the primary aspect of communications and public diplomacy. Participants will receive a 2-page communication plan template as a toolkit that they can use and practice delivering in the course and in their professional lives.

The Diplomatic Communications in Practice Course provides a hands-on approach to learning about different aspects of diplomatic communications and public diplomacy, with a focus on enhancing practitioners' skills in a globalized and interdependent world. The course also emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of digital communication in diplomacy.


Module 1: Diplomatic Context (Week 1):

1. Diplomatic Context Issue

2. Diplomatic Context background

3. Diplomatic Context stakeholders

4. Diplomatic Context desired goal

Module 2: Know Your Audience (Week2):

1. The target audience

2. The audience Profile and Persona Opportunities and challenges to multilateral diplomacy in different fields

3. The Audience’s Decision Making Unit

Module 3: Diplomatic Communications Channels (Week 3):

1. Different available Diplomatic Communications channels

2. Matching Diplomatic Communications Channels with target

3. Mixing Diplomatic Communications Channels in a campaign

Module 4: Diplomatic Communications Road Map: Implementation, Monitoring, and Adjustments (Week 4):

1. The Diplomatic Communications Plan

2. Monitoring the delivery of the Diplomatic Communications Plan

3. Asessing Diplomatic Communications Road Map performance

Course Took Kit

The Course Tools Kit : 2-page Communications plan template :

1.     Diplomatic Contexts ( Communications Objectives )

2.     Audience Profile

3.     Diplomatic Communications Channels

4.     Diplomatic Communications Road Map- Calendar

5.     Diplomatic Communications Road Map Implementation 

6.     Diplomatic Communications Road Map Monitoring and Adjustments  

Hybrid Format

In addition to the online format, we also offer a hybrid option where practical exercises are conducted in person. This is available for institutions such as embassies or ministries that enrol more than 15 participants. For more information about this option, please contact us directly on events@gdforum.org

Course Fees

The course fees are £595. You can also pay via PayPal or a bank transfer. Please contact us for payment details: events@gdforum.org

Practical Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will be:

  • Defining the communication perspective within a diplomatic context and setting clear objectives

  • Expertly identify, understand, profile, and create personas for each target audience

  • Determine the optimal communication channels for a given diplomatic context and audience

  • Design and execute a diplomatic communications plan

  • Master the use of a diplomatic communications template

  • Enhance productivity and improve the outcomes of diplomatic communications

  • Provide training and share knowledge of diplomatic communication within the organization and with colleagues


  • Dr. Katherine Brown

    President & CEO of Global Ties U.S an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies

  • Dr. Corneliu Bjola

    Associate Professor and Head of the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group at Oxford University. Author of Diplomacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Younes El- Ghazi

    Chief Executive, Global Diplomatic Forum